Vogue Williams and her husband Spencer Mathews are expecting their third child. The couple are expecting their third child in Spring 2022.
The couple got married in June 2018 and already share 3 year old son Theodore and one year old Gigi.
"More the merrier"
"It'll be the more the merrier", Vogue Williams told Hello! magazine. "Theodore and Gigi absolutely love each other, they're always playing together".
She continued, "My sister Amber is my best friend and I want the three of them to be best mates".
"My sister Amber is my best friend and I want the three of them to be best mates".
"Gigi doesn't have a clue she's getting a little brother or sister and I don't think Theodore minds", she added. "He doesn't really understand yet. If I ever mention the baby, he asks: 'Is it coming now?".
On hearing that his wife was pregnant, Spencer said, "It was a wonderful moment. I was delighted. We'd been trying, but I never expected it to happen as easily as it did. We're very lucky".
"If I wasn't working"
Vogue also added that she will more than likely continue to work until the baby arrives.
"I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I wasn't working", she said.
Vogue admitted that she kept news of her pregnancy a secret at work, until the bump began to show a few weeks ago. She also said that Spencer almost let it slip on a podcast and they had to edit it out.