The trailer for the new film starring Barry Keoghan, Bird, has been released. You can check it out below.
The film is being directed by Oscar winning writer-director Andrea Arnold, and will arrive on cinema screens on Friday 8 November.
Bird will receive an Irish premiere at Dublin's Light House Cinema next Tuesday (October 22), which will be attended by Arnold, and will be followed by a Q&A.
Alongside Keoghan, the film will also star Franz Rogowski as the titular bird, as well as newcomers Nykiya Adams and Jason Buda.
The following synopsis has been given for Bird: "As with Arnold's previous work, it is an examination of life in the fringes of society", it began.
"Twelve-year-old Bailey (Adams) lives with her single dad Bug (Keoghan) and brother Hunter (Buda) in a squat in North Kent," the synopsis continues. "Bug doesn't have much time for his kids and Bailey, who is approaching puberty, seeks attention and adventure elsewhere".