2 minutes | Monday, 6 July 2020
Learn new Irish phrases for the times we live in - all in under 2 minutes for each lesson! This is Week 9
SODA BREAD : Mar gheall ar Covid 19 tá muid sa mbaile agus is í bacáil rud iontach a dheanamh le chéile
ARAN SÓIDE / soda bread
Is í Aran Sóide an bia is mó a thaithníonn le daoine faoí lathair. Soda bread is the most popular food with people at the moment.
Seo í an liosta comhábhar… here's the list of ingredients
Plúr geal - white flour
Plúr caiscín - wholemeal flour
Brachán - porridge oats
Décharbónáit sóidiam - bicarbonate of soda
Salann - salt
Im - butter
Bláthach - buttermilk
Corraigh é go dtí go mbeidh na comhábhar ar fad measctha / mix all the ingredients together
Chuir an meascán aran in san tráidire bácála / put the bread mixture into a baking tray
Chuir cros ar an aran / put a cross in the bread
Chuir in san oigheann ar feadh leath uair / place in the oven for a half hour
Tá sé go hálainn le im agus subh / it’s lovely with butter and jam