2 minutes | Monday, 29 June 2020
Learn new Irish phrases for the times we live in - all in under 2 minutes for each lesson! This is Week 8
Ón 29ú lá de Mí Meitheamh thosaigh triú chéim chun an tír a oscailt / from the 29th of June, the third phase of reopening our country began
Is féidir leat taisteal go aon áit san tír / You can travel to any part of the country
Caith masc ort féin ar iompair poiblí, nuair atá tú ag siopadóireacht agus aon áit ata lán le daoine / wear a mask on public transport in shopping centres or anywhere that is busy with people
Is féidir le curam leanaí á oscailt, campa samhradh a thosnú agus ionad sport a oscailt / childcare can open, summer camps can start and sports centres can open
Is féidir le gruagaire agus sciamheolaí, a oscailt / hairdressers and beauticians can reopen
Is féidir le caoga daoine a bheith le chéile taobh istigh and thart ar dhá chéad taobh amuigh / 50 people can gather indoors and up to 200 outdoors
Agus is féidir le bialann, tigh tabhairne le bia and caife á oscailt arís
Tá tuille eolais le fáil ar líne classichits.ie