George Clooney has penned an open letter asking the Daily Mail and "other publications" not to publish photos of he and his wife Amal's children
This comes after the Daily Mail took down photographs published online of the one year old son of actress Billie Lourd.
"intrusive photos"
In his letter, Clooney wrote, "Having just seen photos of Billie Lourd's 1 year-old baby in your publication, and the fact that you subsequently took those pictures down, we would request that you refrain from putting our children's faces in your publication".
"I am a public figure and accept the oftentimes intrusive photos as part of the price to pay for doing my job. Our children have made no such commitment".
He continued, "The nature of my wife's work has her confronting and putting on trial terrorist groups and we take as much precaution as we can to keep our family safe. We cannot protect our children if any publication puts their faces on their cover".
"We have never sold a picture of our kids, we are not on social media and never post pictures because to do so would put their lives in jeopardy. Not paranoid jeopardy but real world issues, with real world consequences".
"We hope that you would agree that the need to sell advertisement isn't greater than the need to keep innocent children from being targeted".
Thank you
George Clooney".
Clooney himself also previously dimissed rumours that his wife was expecting their third child.