Almost 62,000 students are to receive their Leaving Certificate results today, which were artificially increased by an average of 8%.
This boost is part of a marking adjustment, which is considerably higher than last year, and was made following a promise from Minister for Education Norma Foley that 2023's results would be no lower than the previous year.
The stronger adjustment was needed as last year's base aggregate results were significantly lower than 2022, according to the State Examinations Commission, who also added that the marks received were closer to 2019 levels, before the pandemic.
This could be good or bad news for students, who could possibly miss out on a college place due to adjusted marks.
This year marks the third set of state exams which have suffered a disruption to its marking and setting, since the pandemic began.
It was also pointed out by the SEC that the overall exam experience of the students for this year, was closer to that of pre-Covid times, with allowances made for students in the previous two years removed.
One such concession saw students required to answer less questions in written exams last year.
Students will be able to access their results from 10am, where they can also access their adjusted marks. They can see their original marks from next Tuesday.
Schools have also been asked to make arrangements to support any student received their results today.