Gardaí are currently searching for a mid-forties, Caucasian male, following the attack of yet another young woman in a village of north Kilkenny.
A large presence of Gardaí attended a village in north Kilkenny, this morning, following an assault on a young girl. The girl, who has been assaulted while out for exercise, is expected to be interviewed by gardaí today as they continue their search for her attacker. Locals say a great deal of horror and concern has succumbed the area, particularly as the attacker remains at large.
The young teen had been interviewed briefly, yesterday, shortly after the attack outside of Johnstown on early Monday afternoon. She had been treated for an injury, and shock, in St Luke’s General Hospital in Kilkenny yesterday afternoon, before being discharged.
According to reports, it is understood that the attacker had been carrying a sharp instrument, such as scissors or a knife. Gardaí have said there has been no arrest in the case, as of yet, although a meeting of officers involved in the investigation took place this morning.
Following the incident that had occurred just 1km from Johnstown, an air and ground search had been mounted by Gardaí yesterday afternoon. The k-9 unit, as well as a garda helicopter, had been deployed in search of a middle-aged Caucasian male.
The girl has told Gardaí that her attacker was Caucasian, wore dark clothes, spoke with an Irish accent, and aged within his 40s. It is yet another high-profile case, just occurring less than three weeks after the killing of 23-year-old Ashling Murphy, although with a less severe outcome, thankfully.
Gardaí are appealing for any person travelling on the R639 between Johnstown and The Gallops (a minor road also known locally as Cullinanes Lane), Ballyspellan between 11am and 12.15pm, particularly any person with any video footage (dashcam or other recording device) to contact Gardaí at Kilkenny at 056 7775000, the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111 or any Garda Station.