Fine Gael Councillor Johnny Flynn has drawn a link between cases of strokes in Ennis and air pollution in the area.
"In Ennis we are regularly 12 times higher than world health safety levels," Flynn said in relation to the poor air quality in the town.
The HSE has noted an increased level of strokes within two days of high air pollution levels in Ennis.
"According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) the average safe levels of fine particular matter (PM), which are associated with burning of smoky solid fuel of air pollution measured at EPA monitors over a 24 hour period are 10mg per metre. In Ennis to take results for example prior to Covid in 2020 when more people were staying at home, during the cold spell October and November in Ennis fine PM levels were 100mg on 16 occasions and 209mg on five occasions. On October 29, fine PM levels reached 420mg which are 42 times the safe level," Flynn said.
In December 2019 Flynn tabled a motion for a nationwide ban on the sale and burning of smoky coal. Recently the council has made efforts to highlight the issue in local media and by corresponding with coal merchants.
Last October, Ennis recorded air pollution levels 42 times higher than safe levels.