A Texas university has announced that they will be offering a course for students, which will be based on the work of singer Harry Styles from next year.
The course will be on offer to students at Texas State University Honours College in San Marcos from next Spring.
The course's full title is, Harry Styles and the Cult of Celebrity: Identity, the Internet, and European Pop Culture, and it will explore the former One Direction singer's career both in music and film. It wants to understand, "understand the cultural and political development of the modern celebrity".
A desription for the course reads, "This course focuses on British musician Harry Styles and popular European culture to understand the cultural and political development of the modern celebrity as related to questions of gender and sexuality, race, class, nation and globalism, media, fashion, fan culture, internet culture, and consumerism".
This news was confirmed via the Twitter account of Dr Louie Dean Valencia.
"It's official, official. I'm the world's first ever university course on the work of #HarryStyles", Dr Valenica wrote. "It's happening Spring 2023 at @TXST University. This is what tenure looks like. Let's gooooo!".
It's official, official. I'm teaching the world's first ever university course on the work of #HarryStyles is happening Spring 2023 at @TXST University (see description).
— Louie Dean Valencia (@BurntCitrus) July 16, 2022
This is what tenure looks like. Let's gooooo! 😊 pic.twitter.com/1z3vMZoxRV