In a recent post via Instagram, Britney Spears has mocked the years of "forced therapy" that she had undergone during her conservatorship since 2008. She described this as "forced" and "against her will".
Posting a video on her Instragram account, Britney Spears shared a video last week where she plays both a therapist and the client. In her character as a therapist she says, “I’m here to help you. “Everything’s going to be fine. I need to do my work to help you succeed".
The video then jumps to Spears lying on the couch as the client. “I’m feeling fine", she says. “I’ve had a great year. I’ve had a great day".
Spears also speaks openly and honestly as well as satirically about the therapists she was forced to see under her conservatorship of 13 years.
“As much therapy as I’ve had to do against my will, being forced to pay and listen to women telling me how they are going to further my success… it was a joy,” she wrote. “In this beautiful nation, it would only be fair for me to dedicate my life to skits to the wonderful therapist".
Check out the Instragram post in full below.
The conservatorship officially ended in November 2021. Spears called this "the best day ever".