New legislation that would allow seriously ill women to defer their maternity leave for up to a year is before the Cabinet today.
It follows the Irish Cancer Society’s Leave Our Leave campaign, highlighting women who spent their maternity leave receiving medical treatment.
The proposed changes would allow someone to postpone their maternity leave by up to 52 weeks.
Once the treatment has finished, they can then choose to begin their maternity leave.
Minister Roderic O'Gorman is bringing the bill to his Cabinet colleagues.
"There are women in Ireland every year, who go through serious illness during their maternity." Minister O'Gorman said.
"They aren't able to use that really important six months bonding with their newborn, they are spending that time recovering from illness.
"We want to get this legislation passed as quickly as possible, so we will look to introduce it to the Dail in September - But we have to wait until the legislation passes."