In an exclusive interview, Johnny Knoxville has explained why he is planning to take a step back from stunts after Jackass Forever.
Johnny Knoxville has announced plans to step behind the camera for future Jackass releases. Speaking to NME, the actor has said that this decision is down to medical advice from his doctor.
It is fair to say that Knoxville has sustained a fair amount of injuries from dangerous stunts over the years.
“I knew going into this movie that this was going to be the last time I was going to do big stunts because I’ve got kids and I’ve had so many injuries", he told the magazine. “I knew going into this movie that this was going to be the last time I was going to do big stunts because I’ve got kids and I’ve had so many injuries".
Johnny Knoxville is hopeful that he can stay away from future stunts on the show. “[Jackass co-creator] Jeff Tremaine is convinced I can’t. I hope I can but I don’t know", he added.
"my most dangerous stunts"
In the fourth and latest installment of Jackass, Johnny Knoxville sustained several injuries after he was knocked into the air by a bull. He suffered a broken wrist, broken ribs, along with a concussion leading to the brain haemhorrage.
These injuries understanably threw Knoxville's plans for future stunts.
“We backload my most dangerous stunts to the end of the film", he said. “So I had two or three more stunts left to do, big ones, but after that I couldn’t".
“The doctor’s like, ‘no way, you can’t, you’ve had 16 concussions, you’ve just had a terrible concussion, your brain is scrambled right now.’ And I was like, alright, so those got kicked to the side".