A new walk-in COVID test centre opens today in Limerick City centre.
The pop-up centre, located at the former tourist office at Arthur's Quay Park, will operate today, tomorrow and Wednesday, from 11am to 7pm daily. It is led by the National Ambulance Service and supported by HSE Mid-West Community Healthcare and Public Health Mid-West.
The Health Service Executive has opened the centre as a response to the recent surge of cases in Limerick.
The Department of Public Health Mid West is encouraging businesses in the area to encourage their staff to get tested at the centre. Unvaccinated young people who may have attended recent large gatherings are particularly encouraged to avail of the centre.
Public Health Mid West's director Mai Mannix has expressed concerns about community infection rates, saying "We continue to manage large outbreaks connected to indoor social activity, including house parties among unvaccinated people. This kind of high-risk activity will keep infection levels at a high level, and will continue to cause disruption in a wide variety of settings in the community."
Mannix reiterated the message that "If you have symptoms, or you are concerned that you may have been exposed to possible infection, please get tested to help us bring this outbreak under control."