The Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys TD, has today announced a significant reform to the State Pension (Contributory) that will benefit thousands of carers over the coming years.
From this week, carers can get the equivalent of paid contributions (Long-Term Carer’s Contributions) for periods of over 20 years spent caring for an incapacitated dependent.
Long-Term Carer’s Contributions will enhance State Pension provision for carers who have spent more than 20 years of their lives caring by making it easier for them to qualify for a State Pension (Contributory) when they reach pension age.
Commenting on the improvement for Carers, Minister Humphreys said:
“I am delighted to introduce this measure to ensure that long-term carers of incapacitated dependents are provided with contributions for gaps in their social insurance record for the first time in the history of the State.
“This will enhance State Pension provision for carers who have spent more than 20 years of their lives caring for incapacitated dependents, and help ensure that thousands of people, mainly women, who have spent time caring for their loved ones will now be able to qualify for the State Pension (Contributory).”
The Department has been accepting applications from carers to be considered for Long-Term Carers Contributions since 1st September 2023.
To date, the Department has awarded Long-Term Carers Contributions to over 1,200 carers and from 1st January 2024, these contributions can be used to help carers who reach State Pension (Contributory) age to qualify for the State Pension or a higher rate of pension if they already receive one.