The family of a nine year old child who died in the crowd crush at the Astroworld festival have turned down Travis Scott's offer to cover the funeral costs.
Nine year old Ezra Blount was the youngest of 10 people killed at this music event headlined by rapper Travis Scott on November 5.
Ezra attended the event with his father Treston Blount. Ezra was sadly knocked to the ground and crushed, while his father was knocked unconcious.
Ezra later died in hospital on November 14, having been placed in a medically induced coma for injuries to heart, brain, kidney and his liver.
Following the tragedy, Travis Scott posted this.
— TRAVIS SCOTT (@trvisXX) November 6, 2021
"the first of many steps"
Following this tragedy, Travis Scott promised to cover the funeral costs for victims. A statement called this, “the first of many steps Travis plans on taking as part of his personal vow to assist those affected throughout their grieving and recovery process”.
A letter had been written by the rapper's lawyer Daniel Petrocelli, saying that Travis Scott is "devastated" by the tragic events from Astroworld. The letter was sent to Ezra Blount's family lawyer Bob Hillard and co councel Bob Crump on November 24. It was reported that the letter also included an offer to cover the funeral costs.
The letter also said that Scott, “grieves for the families whose loves one died or were injured”.
The letter also stated, “Travis is committed to doing his part to help the families who have suffered and begin the long process of healing in the Houston community. Toward that end, Travis would like to pay for the funeral expenses for Mr. Blount’s son".
Travis Scott's legal team had previously requested an in-person meeting with Blount's family, a request that they declined.
Offer declined
Following this letter, Mr Hillard wrote back to Mr Petrocelli, turning down the offer, “I have no doubt Mr. Scott feels remorse. His journey ahead will be painful. He must face and hopefully see that he bears some of the responsibility for this tragedy".
Hillard also added, “There may be, and I hope there is, redemption and growth for him on the other side of what this painful process will be — and perhaps one day, once time allows some healing for the victims and acceptance of responsibility by Mr. Scott and others, Treston and Mr. Scott might meet, as there is also healing in that".
“To lose a child in the manner Treston lost Ezra compounds the pain. As a parent, Treston cannot help but agonize over the terrible idea that Ezra’s last minutes were filled with terror, suffering, suffocation and worst of all surrounded by strangers, his dad unconscious underneath the uncontrolled crowd".
Since the tragedy, numerous lawsuits for negligence have been filed against Travis Scott and the event organisers Live Nation.