Peter Jackson has said that he would have "lost it" if he had to film the Beatles' Let It Be documentary himself.
The director was relfecting on the hours of "incredible" footage gathered by Michael Lindsay-Hogg. Lindsay-Hogg was recording footage of the 1969 Let It Be recording sessions for his 1970 documentary of the same name.
This content has since been used by Peter Jackson for his Beatles docuseries Get Back, released last year.
Speaking at a Q&A as part of IMAX's releasing of the documentary, Jackson said, “The poor guy was herding cats the whole time and I was just feeling so many times that I would have lost it!”.
The Lord of the Rings director also added, “I mean as much as I love the Beatles, I would have raised my voice at them a couple of times and read them the riot act because they would have driven me crazy, and Michael’s just so calm".
Jackson also paid special tribute to Lindsay-Hogg, “I particularly enjoy seeing Michael twitch and squirm when things aren’t going quite his way; as a director I can sympathise with that and find it kind of funny".
“Some of my favourite bits in the rushes and the outtakes were Michael’s stuff because I don’t play in a band – I can love the Beatles and watch the Beatles like anyone – but crucially the person I was really relating to was Michael".
The famous Beatles concert at the rooftop from 1969 will be released on IMAX from February 10-13.