Michael Fassbender has said that his Irish "started coming back" to him while while filming Irish Oscar hopeful, Kneecap.
The actor spoke about his experiences of making this movie, where he stars as Arlo, the Gaeilge-championing father of Kneecap star Móglaí Bap.
Speaking about working on the film, two time Oscar nominee revealed that he was on the board the moment he read the script.
Asked about whether it was difficult to learn Ulster Irish, Michael Fassbender had this to say.
"I felt a little bit ashamed if truth be told, really, about how sort of bad my Irish is - you know, having obviously studied it from the age of six or whenever to Leaving Certificate [at] 18", he said. "But it started coming back to me. I mean, obviously then you're dealing with the Belfast sort-of-accent version of Gaelic. And also, in some respects, it's just very different pronunciations of the same word, so I did have help".
"'DJ Próvaí taught me Irish' is kind of a badge you could have!", presenter Kay Sheehy said to Fassbender.
The actor replied: "Absolutely!" agreed Fassbender. "Although he's no longer a teacher, he remains to me a teacher!".
Elsewhere, Michael Fassbender also hailed the acting abilities of Kneecap for portraying themselves by adding: "It was never a worry for me that it was their first time, because as soon as I watched their music videos, I just knew they were naturals. They had it".
"Working with them, they were just all super professional. They're very bright, obviously funny, and very polite, actually!".