Over the weekend, Imelda May has spoken about the "magic" and "fizz" that she feels when performing in front of a live audience. She added that the size of the venue "really doesn't matter at all".
The Big Bad Handsome Man singer also added that "forging" a connection with the audience is more important than the size of the arena.
"It doesn't matter for me the size of the stage, it really doesn't matter at all. It's simply about a connection, it's a relationship each night", the singer-songwriter said. "When I'm writing in a room I write selfishly, I write for me, and what moves me and I cannot think of an audience when I'm writing".
"Because if it doesn't come from the right place from me then it's not going to connect with the right place with somebody else. So it has to be personal".
"Then when I get up onto the stage I think 'dear God, what have I done?' because then I'm sharing things that I'm not so sure I want to", she added. "Because when I was there, I was writing it in a little room on my own and then everybody's watching".
"it's like sex"
Imelda May also compared this special connection to things like relationships and sex.
"That's when the magic and the connection, it's a fizz, you can feel it, it starts to bubble during the course of the evening", she stated. "It's like a relationship, it's like sex, you meet a stranger and then you start to get to know each other and how you work".
"That's why each gig is different, you figure out how they work and what they like, and they do with you"
"And then you come to this beautiful climax together, and then you go home. It's like the most beautiful one night stand".
Last April, May released her most recent album '11 Past The Hour'.
When she was putting the record together, Imelda revealed that she had sought advice from a U2 frontman Bono, saying, “I’ve only got a handful of people that I will ask when I really don’t know what to do. He (Bono) is one of those people for me, that I know will give me an honest opinion which is always great to have”.
She also added, “He’s brilliant, he encourages me and lots of people”.