Destinys Child's singer, Michelle Williams could be related to famous Irish singing group the Nolans. Williams had previously revealed that she had Irish relatives with the surname Nolan. Williams' group Destiny's Child also included Beyoncé and Kelly Rowland.
The singer who is also known as Tenitra said that she only discovered her Irish connection when Destiny's Child played a gig here. She said that her grandmother had pointed it out to her.
"Years ago my grandmother called me and said, ‘Hey, your cousins want to come to y’all’s show tonight’", she said. “I said, ‘Grandma, I don’t have family here’. Sure enough, my cousin Butch Nolan and his family shows up at one of our concerts".
“The Nolans, that’s my family name and I hear that that is a huge Irish name. I want to hear from all the Nolans on my Twitter or Instagram", she continued.
“I want to hear from you right now, I’ve got my phone in my hand, I’m ready to hear from my long-lost cousins”.
In the mood for working together
This was news to the Nolan sisters who said that they would be keen to find out if they are related to Williams in some way. They also said that they would love to film another episode of their series "The Nolans Go Cruising" with Michelle Williams.
However Linda Nolan admitted that it would be a long time before they found out for certain if they were related to Michelle Williams, given how common the name Nolan is in Ireland.
“Doing a family tree? We wouldn’t even know where to start. People have trouble trying to tell us sisters apart at the best of times", Linda said.
“It’s hilarious and completely unexpected. That being said, it makes sense, we are a very musical family!”, she joked.
Linda said that Michelle is welcome to join their show whenever she likes.
She said, “If we do a series three of The Nolans Go Cruising, she’s welcome to join us. Or she can come to Blackpool or we can take her back to Raheny, where we’re originally from in Dublin".
“It’s fair to say we’re definitely Survivors, we even wrote a book called that".
“But wouldn’t it be great to see Michelle, Kelly and Beyonce be in the mood for dancing", she added.
Ealier this year, another of the Nolan family, Coleen was interviewed by Piers Morgan for his show "Piers Morgan's Life Stories". Check it out below.